Press Kit

Below are links to access/download various assets for Designing For Print. If you need something that is not listed below, please contact Marina.

Table of Contents:

  • Contact Info
  • Book Info
  • Author Biography
  • Promotion Info
  • Interview Resources
  • Fan Resources

Media Queries
Marina Poropat Joyce

Event/Booking Information
Marina Poropat Joyce

Other Questions?
Designing For Print on Twitter

Product Specs
TITLE: Designing For Print
AUTHOR: Marina Poropat Joyce
RETAIL PRICE: $95.00 US (Softcover)
PAGES: 208

About the Book
Nowadays, there are so many methods of print in use; offset, letterpress, digital printing, silk-screening, engraving and more. If you don’t know the limitations and advantages of each method, then it can be costly for designers and their clients. Designing For Print contains all the know-how graphic designers need to work with printers and achieve amazing results.

Designing For Print is the perfect tool for working pros, web designers, students, and anyone who needs to design and print successful projects.

Long Version
Marina Poropat Joyce is a passionate paper geek who has been marketing, graphic designing, publishing and printing her whole life. She fell in love with design and printing early on, and founded one of the first design-to-print companies in Los Angeles. Her company INTAGLIO was ranked as one of the 50 fastest growing print companies in the country, a winner of Inc. Magazine’s Inner City 100 and one of Los Angeles’ top 100 women-owned companies.

She wrote Designing for Print to explain printing in graphic designer-speak after working with many frustrated designers who wanted to know more. Marina served on the board of the Printing Industries Association of Southern California (PIASC) as a board member and Chairman. Another joy she’s found other than seeing a design come to life in print was driving with her husband from London to Mongolia through 16 countries in a 9,600-mile rally.

Short Version
Marina Poropat Joyce has been marketing, graphic designing, publishing and printing her whole life. She fell in love with design and printing early on, and she founded one of the first design-to-print companies in Los Angeles. She wrote Designing for Print to explain printing in graphic designer-speak.

Press Photos of Marina
You are welcome to use these photos of me. If you click on the image, it will pop-up a larger version. You can then click the “Download This Image” link to save the photo to your own computer.

Photos of Designing for Print
You are welcome to use these photos. If you click on the image, it will pop-up a larger version. You can then click the “Download This Image” link to save the photo to your own computer.

Promotion Info
Whenever promoting the book, please link to

When you post a review or promotion, please let us know so that we can add / link to your promotion

Interview Resources

Bio Talking Points

  • Woman owned company
  • Woman in printing
  • Design-to-print
  • Entrepreneur and a mother of three
  • PIA Board service

Interview Topics

  • Digital versus sheetfed
  • Is letterpress really that romantic?
  • Challenges facing designers today
  • Common file mistakes from new designers

Sample Interview Questions

  • At what quantity is digital printing cost-effective?
  • What about converting to CMYK, we hear the designer, the printer, which is it?
  • Everyone is loving letterpress, are there constraints or disadvantages designers should consider before going there?
  • Is there any easy formula to understand resolution?
  • When should designers first involve their printer in a project?

Fan Resources

Twitter/Facebook Posts
For Twitter, you can include @designingprint and/or hashtag #DesigningForPrint

Social Media Accounts/Pages
Facebook Book Page:
Facebook Author Page:

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